About the Conference
The Australian Public Health Conference is a national conference held by the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA), which presents a national and multi-disciplinary perspective on public health issues. PHAA members and non-members can contribute to discussions on the broad range of public health issues and exchange ideas, knowledge and information on the latest developments in public health. The Conference was first established in the 1970’s and celebrated its 45th year in 2018.
The 2023 Conference theme is: ‘Investing in a strong, smart and sustainable public health system for the future’.
Investing to strengthen the public health system so that it is the cornerstone of a sustainable health and well-being system for all, should be a key response to the pandemic. As a profession, we need to scale up efforts to fundamentally reframe the public’s understanding and valuing of public health evidence and practice.
Of significant concern, given we now have a National Preventive Health Strategy and a commitment to establish an Australian Centre for Disease Control, is the lack of clear allocation of resources to balance the prevention of both infectious diseases and non-communicable conditions, with control strategies and emergency responses.
Now is the time to consider what constitutes a high value public health system. We will open up this discussion by bringing together researchers, practitioners, policy makers, students and community who have a strong commitment to change, driven by evidence and experience.
We warmly encourage you to lock the date in your diaries to join us for the Australian Public Health Conference 2023.
The Conference objectives are to:
Create a safe environment for knowledge sharing, collaboration and relationship building;
Promote and celebrate public health;
To create an understanding of the past, present and future public health issues;
Create an inclusive and culturally safe environment with opportunities to discuss issues of diversity, disability and accessibility, and provide an equal opportunity to be part of the program and public health discussion;
Deliver latest research, program implementations and workforce developments;
Showcase new developments in advocacy in public health through keynote speakers;
Showcase leadership in public health from established and emerging leaders; and
Highlight the activities of the PHAA, including state and territory branches and special interest groups, and encourage delegates to work together to achieve better health outcomes for Australians.
The conference will aim to facilitate conversations on improving effectiveness and efficiencies of public health through knowledge sharing and relationship building. The program must consider the needs and interests of the public health audience to ensure attraction and participation to the conference.
The target audience for the conference is people who work for educational institutions, health agencies, associations, organisations, clinical health centres and employed as health administration and promotion officers, educators, planners, researchers, scientists, nurses and including a wide range of allied health professionals working locally, regionally, nationally and globally. Students are also encouraged to participate and submit to present their work at the conference.