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Call for Abstracts - NOW OPEN

We invite abstract submissions for long oral, rapid fire and conversation starter presentations at the Australian Public Health Conference 2023, to be held at the Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart from Tuesday 26 to Thursday 28 September 2023.

The 2023 Conference theme is: ‘Investing in a strong, smart and sustainable public health system for the future’.

Investing to strengthen the public health system so that it is the cornerstone of a sustainable health and well-being system for all, should be a key response to the pandemic. As a profession, we need to scale up efforts to fundamentally reframe the public’s understanding and valuing of public health evidence and practice.

Of significant concern, given we now have a National Preventive Health Strategy and a commitment to establish an Australian Centre for Disease Control, is the lack of clear allocation of resources to balance the prevention of both infectious diseases and non-communicable conditions, with control strategies and emergency responses. 

Now is the time to consider what constitutes a high value public health system. We will open up this discussion by bringing together researchers, practitioners, policy makers, students and community who have a strong commitment to change, driven by evidence and experience.

We warmly encourage you to lock the date in your diaries to join us in Hobart for the Australian Public Health Conference 2023.

Abstract submissions close on Friday 12 May 2023, at 11:59pm AEST

Abstracts are invited for the following topics and corresponding subthemes in areas of public health:


  • Research (context and aim, methods and analysis/research findings, translational outcomes, future actions)

  • Policy / Practice (context and aim, methods and analysis, translational outcomes, future actions)


For this year’s conference we encourage presentations that amplify the focus on strengthening our public health system. We want to avoid diverting funds away from public health that will risk a return to a state of pre-pandemic complacency. We know we need to be better at embracing complexity, implementing change, communicating effectively and do better at evaluating what we do so that we can share the value of public health activities.

Crucially, we want to emphasise the importance of continuing to drive investment in essential public health functions that address the major public health challenges.  Without continued action on health determinants and investment in preventive activities, inequalities will dramatically widen. 

We invite submissions that explore new approaches, facilitate discussion, and showcase research and innovation on the following:

  • Advance the public health workforce

  • Strengthen public health governance, policy, law and ethics

  • Embed evaluation in public health initiatives

  • Optimise public health communication and address misinformation

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

  • Health determinants and health inequities

  • Environment and sustainability

  • Established and emerging issues, threats and harms

  • Collaborating for public health

Presentation Types (Face-to-face only)

Long Oral Presentations

Presenters have a total of 10 minutes to present. Abstract submitted must have clear learning objectives and outcomes. Please note, places are limited.


Rapid Fire Presentations (Short Oral)

Presenters have a total of 6 minutes’ presentation time using up to 6 PowerPoint slides (including title slide). 

Conversation Starter Presentations

Presenters have a total of 3 minutes presentation time using a maximum of 4 PowerPoint slides (including title slide). Presenters should give the ultimate elevator pitch.

Please note, concurrent sessions will only be available to face-to-face delegates.

Abstract Presentation Awards

The abstract presentation awards have been created to highlight the great work presented at the Australian Public Health Conference and recognise the contribution presenters have to the program and public health sector.


  • Public Health Research Award

  • Advocacy & Leadership Award

  • Capacity Building Award

  • Early Career/Young Professional Award

  • First Time Presenter Award

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